Table of Contents



  • APNews updated its website in July 2023, and as a result of this most of their older articles aren't available anymore.
    • Unfortunately, lots of those older articles were not archived by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
    • This is a shame, since APNews had articles going back to the mid-1980s(!).
  • Added a lot of Minneapolis Star Tribune articles. Lots don't yet have topics, though.
  • Added a lot of articles about Sinéad O'Connor.

How to use

  • Articles are grouped by author, publication, date and topic.
    • Example: an article written by Jem Aswad for Variety about the announcement of Originals in 2019 can be found at:
  • The "global search" at the top can be useful, but it only searches the contents of this site (and even this is limited).
    • Example: "Elisa" returns results, "Fiorillo" doesn't.
    • IMHO it is often far easier to use the "topics" grouping and then search in the left navigation for something.


  • There are approximately 2532 links.
  • Some links might be duplicates, e.g. some AP News articles are linked through multiple links.
  • Some articles might be duplicated, usually because for instance an AP News article is republished elsewhere.
    • I try to avoid including such republished articles, but likely I've missed some instances.
  • Not all links are active anymore.
    • At the bottom of each entry is a link -- "(mirror)" -- to find the article in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
      • There is no guarantee the article will be available there.
  • For some sites I have managed to automate the conversion from link -> html file -> database entry.
    • But even in those cases I need to check the result, which is time-consuming.


  • Can be websites, magazines, podcasts, YouTube channels, Facebook groups,...
  • Publications sometimes have "bad" names, basically their domain name.
    • Converting this into a proper name is a manual and time-consuming job.


  • Apologies to the authors who are not mentioned in an article's overview.
    • Linking authors to their articles is a separate, manual and time-consuming step.


  • An article's list of topics might be incomplete and/or incorrect.
  • Topics might appear multiple times, for instance due to typographical differences.
  • Topics might be missing.
    • I try to go through every article and look for topics not yet in the database, but this is time-consuming.


  • Unfortunately, you cannot contribute. I know there are tons of links 'missing', but it is what it is.
    • Building a public back-end would take far too much effort and time, which I don't have.


  • The (off-line) back-end was made in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Each article, publication etc. is stored as a JSON file.
    • This makes it easier to spot problems or errors etc.
  • A command-line application (written in .NET C#) converts these JSON files into Markdown files.
  • These Markdown files are converted into static HTML files with DocFX.
  • The UI is customized based on the CSS from the "DocFX Material" theme.


  • This site is barely in 'beta'. Keep your expectations low.